Internet Marketing From Home

Is Your Past Locking You Out Of a Glorious Future?

shooting for the stars

Don’t Let Your Past Stop You From Shooting For the Stars

I sent an email to my list yesterday. I asked them what was holding them back from moving forward with their internet marketing activities.
Some said their biggest challenge was to find the money to launch a home internet business, because they were broke, unemployed etc. My advice to those folk?
Get some employment happening and get your financial house in order. Although a home business can be a wonderful thing, the cash flow can be a bit patchy in the early stages.
But for most of the folk who responded the issues were the same:
– Fear
– No belief
Several indicated that the reason they are not moving forward and starting a new venture was due to bad experiences in the past.
Here is what one guy said:
“I guess after being deceived by so many financial planners, internet scammers and others, I have over the years lost trust and faith in most people and substantial amounts of money. Most people in today’s society just don’t care or only pretend to for their own gain and usually at others expense.”
But somehow we have to find a way to put the bad experiences behind us and move forward. Otherwise we become prisoners of our past and never chance our arm in the game of life again.
That’s what I call the lifetime rut plan – it may be ‘safe’ but it sure ain’t fun, or life enriching.
Certainly if I had succumbed to ‘stinkin’ thinkin’ when I lost more than a million bucks in 2006/7 I would never have ventured into the internet marketing arena.

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